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My Blue Yonder


  • By Carl Gamble
  • Narrated by Bob Rogers
  • Audiobook • 07 hrs 03 min

Carl Gamble, a premier airline pilot, has penned a remarkable memoir, a powerful story about his journey from the cotton fields of Madison County, Alabama, to the captain’s seat flying jumbo jets between North America and Europe. While in grade school, jet fighters flying over Madison from a nearby Air Force Base captured his attention. Gamble’s dream to become a pilot was born. Gamble’s disciplined and focused work overcame an inauspicious start studying aviation at Tennessee State University, a stepping stone toward a flying career for African Americans of small means in the 1960s.

The United States Air Force awarded Gamble its coveted Distinguished Flying Cross. His quick thinking and superior flying skills enabled him to land his C-47, severely disabled by enemy antiaircraft fire, and save the lives of his crew in Vietnam.

My Blue Yonder tells Gamble’s story by taking you to his boyhood home, into the cockpit of his crippled plane, and into his PTSD. You fly with him to rescue men adrift on an ice floe in Lake Superior, refuel combat aircraft at four hundred miles per hour over the Gulf of Tonkin, and negotiate with a hijacker while flying in a holding pattern off the coast of Florida.

A memorable quote passed through generations of pilots, and a favorite of Gamble’s, is, “There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old bold pilots.” Similarly, pilots have landed burning airplanes and pilots have dealt with hijackers. Gamble is potentially the first pilot to experience both.


Author: Carl Gamble

Length: 07 hrs 03 min

Release Date:

ISBN: 978-0-991296-13-2

Explicit Content:

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Books by Bob Rogers

At Books by Bob Rogers, we entertain to educate. How? We create historical novels and memoirs that tell North American stories of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.

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About the Author

Carl Gamble, a former pilot, is an author and a motivational speaker for youth. Carl is a former US Air Force captain and veteran of the Vietnam War. From supersonic aircraft to jumbo jets, Carl’s planes include one destroyed by enemy fire and a hijacked airliner. His Alma Mater is Tennessee State University. Carl and his wife live in Matthews, North Carolina.

Great read! Carl Gamble has written a powerful story. He allowed others who have never been in a cockpit to get a glimpse of rigors of flying an airplane safely. Carl would not allow himself to settle for less. He set a goal from a very young age and preserved to make it a reality. I hope that his story will inspire today’s youth to put in the necessary work to achieve their dreams.–C L Sledge

About the Narrator(s)

Bob Rogers, Captain Gamble’s collaborator, is an actor and the author of the historical novels, Two Rivers: De Trouble I Be See, Hitting Life’s Curveballs, The Laced Chameleon, and First Dark: A Buffalo Soldier’s Story–Sesquicentennial Edition. Bob lives in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.



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