Caring and Coping: A Care Partner’s Guide to Parkinson’s Disease
Whether the Parkinson’s diagnosis is new to your loved one or you have been living with Parkinson’s for a long time, you have the right and responsibility to make the care partnership as productive as possible, with the least amount of stress and conflict. Preparation is key in all respects: emotional, financial and physical. We hope that the tips and tools in this workbook will help prepare you for every step of the journey.
About the Author
The Parkinson’s Foundation makes life better for people with Parkinson’s
disease by improving care and advancing research toward a cure.
In everything we do, we build on the energy, experience and passion
of our global Parkinson’s community. A wealth of information about
Parkinson’s and about our activities and resources is available on our
Whether the Parkinson’s diagnosis is new to your loved one or you have been living with Parkinson’s for a long time, you have the right and responsibility to make the care partnership as productive as possible, with the least amount of stress and conflict. Preparation is key in all respects: emotional, financial and physical. We hope that the tips and tools in this workbook will help prepare you for every step of the journey.
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