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The Corona Protocol


  • By Paul D. Corona MD
  • Narrated by Ted Ryan
  • Audiobook • 08 hrs 57 min
  • Nonfiction

In “The Corona Protocol,” Dr. Paul D. Corona, a dedicated medical doctor with profound compassion for human suffering, shares his remarkable journey to alleviate needless pain and misery. With a fervent commitment to relieving the anguish of those who endure unnecessary distress, Dr. Corona reveals a groundbreaking approach that marries modern medicine with the intricate interplay between the mind and body. Drawing upon his extensive experience as a family physician, Dr. Corona exposes the profound impact of emotional factors on physical well-being. He unveils a deeply rooted conviction that unnecessary suffering is a burden that no individual should bear. With an unshakable determination, he seeks to empower both patients and healthcare practitioners to confront mood disorders and related afflictions head-on.



Author: Paul D. Corona MD

Length: 08 hrs 57 min

Release Date:

ISBN: 978-0-998749-09-9

Explicit Content:

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Paul D Corona M.D

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About the Author

Dr. Paul Corona was born and raised in Southern California. He attended the University of Southern California from 1980-1984, where he received a BS degree in Biology/Premed. He then received his M.D. degree from New York Medical College in 1989, and completed a Family Practice Residency program from 1989 to 1992 at California Medical Center in Los Angeles, and became board-certified in the specialty of Family Medicine.

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