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*PRE-ORDER* Take Back Your Life: Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships (3rd Edition)


  • By Janja Lalich
  • Narrated by Becky Parker, Janja Lalich, Ryan Edlinger, Tyra Kennedy
  • Audiobook • 19 hrs 48 min
  • Nonfiction


3rd Edition
Updated and revised, including a new section on the Troubled Teen Industry

Cult victims and those who have experienced abusive relationships often suffer from fear, confusion, low self-esteem, and post-traumatic stress. Take Back Your Life explains the seductive draw that leads people into such situations, provides insightful information for assessing what happened, and hands-on tools for getting back on track.



Author: Janja Lalich

Length: 19 hrs 48 min

Release Date:

ISBN: 979-8-9892279-2-1

Explicit Content:

About the Author

Janja Lalich, Ph.D. is a researcher, author, and educator specializing in self-sealing, or closed, systems (cults, human trafficking, situations of coercive influence and control, ideological extremism), with a particular focus on recruitment, indoctrination, and methods of influence and control. She is Professor Emerita of Sociology at California State University, Chico and has been studying the social psychology of controversial groups and exploitative and abusive relationships for 30+ years. Dr. Lalich has written and lectured extensively, has advised the international intelligence community on extremism and indoctrination, and has served as consultant and expert witness in civil and criminal cases.


3rd Edition
Updated and revised, including a new section on the Troubled Teen Industry

Cult victims and those who have experienced abusive relationships often suffer from fear, confusion, low self-esteem, and post-traumatic stress. Take Back Your Life explains the seductive draw that leads people into such situations, provides insightful information for assessing what happened, and hands-on tools for getting back on track.

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