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Preventing Prostate Cancer: Reduce Your Risk with Simple, Proactive Choices


  • By Benny Gavi and Maya Eylon
  • Narrated by Michael Hanko
  • Audiobook • 03 hrs 16 min
  • Nonfiction

More than half of all men will develop prostate problems during their lifetimes, while one in eight will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Even when prostate cancer is successfully treated, the side effects from the treatments (such as urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, and sepsis) can be debilitating.

Dr. Gavi, clinical assistant professor of medicine at Stanford University, teamed up with researcher Maya Eylon to compile more than 100 recent, reliable, and relevant international studies on the effects of diet on prostate health. The good news is that scientific research has confirmed that 50 percent of prostate cancer cases can be prevented by making simple dietary changes, along with screening for precursors, maintaining a healthy weight, and exercising adequately.

Gavi summarizes these findings in easy-to-understand terminology, with each study fully referenced. Listeners discover how key compounds in specific foods work to prevent cancer cells from forming. Cruciferous vegetables (glucosinolates), tomatoes (lycopene), soy foods (isoflavones), and green tea (catechins) are the superfoods that make a difference. Recommendations are provided for the optimum way to prepare these foods and for how much of each food is needed to reap the greatest health benefits. The two types of prostate check-ins (screening and diagnostic tests) are also discussed, and a prostate cancer self-screening checklist is provided.

The findings and information presented are powerful tools that can empower men to make vital lifestyle changes that will have a significant impact on their health.



Author: Benny Gavi and Maya Eylon

Length: 03 hrs 16 min

Release Date:

ISBN: 978-1-570673-99-3

Explicit Content:

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Book Publishing Company (BPC) is a community-owned, small press publisher committed to promoting books that educate, inspire, and empower. For more than 40 years we have been giving people information on how to create a sustainable and healthful way of life. Our list includes books on vegetarian and vegan cooking, health issues, the environment, and Native American teachings and resources.

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