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Dreams of a Lost Youth


  • By Esfandiar Sarfaraz
  • Narrated by Ken Teutsch
  • Audiobook • 09 hrs 05 min
  • Fiction

Dreams of a Lost Youth describes the story of the lives of several young passionate students, a playboy;
a poet; four students with different ideologies; and a science student, in Tehran, Iran, before and after the
revolution that toppled the Shah in 1979. It describes how they joined these various groups that
opposed the Shah’s dictatorship and how they suffered after the revolution led by the Ayatollah Khomeini



Author: Esfandiar Sarfaraz

Length: 09 hrs 05 min

Release Date:

ISBN: 979-8-347307-13-5

Explicit Content:

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Esfandiar Sarfaraz

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About the Author

“I absolutely loved how the story was told from a first person perspective, giving a new and fresh perspective of a life that many in Iran were living during such tumultuous times. It gave me a deeper connection to my roots and a renowned respect for those who have lived through those times. The journey that you are taken on in this book is unlike any other, and I greatly enjoyed the ride!”

“I highly recommend “Dreams of a Lost Youth”. Growing up in Iran, I was able to make a connection with the story. The writing was captivating and the characters were descriptive and believable. The story had so much ups and downs that I couldn’t put the book down. Babak’s efforts to help his family is admirable. I’d like to thank the author, Esfandiar Sarfaraz to dedicate his books to those Iranians who are fighting for women’s rights under the slogan, “Woman, Life, Freedom.”
Mitra Afkari

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